A collaboration to smile about - Clowns Without Borders

Clowns Without Borders

As part of Nal’ibali’s larger library promotion work, and to demonstrate proof of concept for what reading for enjoyment can look like in libraries, Nal’ibali formed a collaboration with Clowns Without Borders South Africa (CWBSA) in 2019.

With input from Nal’ibali, the CWBSA team created a brand-new theatre performance based on three Nal’ibali characters. The show included storytelling, physical theatre, clowning and circus skills to break down stereotypes around reading and who may or may not go to a library. It also sought to spark a sense of possibility for librarians and government staff, and to build literacy bridges between schools and libraries.

Weeklong tours took place in each of Nal’ibali’s four focus provinces (Gauteng, Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape). All in all, 47 events reached 22 475 participants, including children, educators and library staff.

The drive secured almost R1 million in PR coverage and was well received on the ground, with plans to continue in 2020.


Reaching 22,475 Participants


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